Couchdb get all docs – How to – 2019

How to get all docs in couchdb

Image result for couchdb get all

Couchdb get all docs

Today I will show you how to get all the docs in couchdb. First you need to know the url to create a request with the GET method.

GET /{db}/_all_docs

GET: is the HTTP method

{db}: the name of your db. Examples could be: book, movie.

_all_docs: The name of the view.

You can use postman to try it.  After the execution is complete it’s will returning all of the documents in the database.


GET /my_db_books/_all_docs HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Host: localhost:5984


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: must-revalidate
Content-Type: application/json
ETag: "ABC"
Server: CouchDB (Erlang/OTP)
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    "offset": 0,
    "rows": [
            "id": "3e454534def45f3f34f34f3",
            "key": "24767etgf4v4fc3r8765434f45f4f",
            "value": {
                "rev": "1-345gf45f5f34tg4f3ed"
            "id": "as23xwd2dwd23f34fg34",
            "key": "a4c51cdfa20ff45fd3d3d3dff",
            "value": {
                "rev": "1-9fvrvf3f34ff3d9138abb3284d"
    "total_rows": 2

What’s about if you try to using POST ?

The POST to _all_docs allows to specify multiple keys to be selected from the database.

Create a request:

POST /my_db_books/_all_docs HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 70
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:5984

    "keys" : [


    "total_rows" : 2,
    "rows" : [
            "value" : {
                "rev" : "1-a433f3f3f4tht3r4rf3"
            "id" : "AAAAA",
            "key" : "AAAAA"
            "value" : {
                "rev" : "1-554g45f3f3f3d23d"
            "id" : "BBBBB",
            "key" : "BBBBB"
    "offset" : 0

So you’ve learned the many basic ways to get all the docs in couchdb. See you in the next article.

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