Manastorm: Arena of Legends is a “Battle Royale card strategy game”. Compared to existing survival games in the current HOT genre such as Rules of Survival or PUBG, Manastorm: Arena of Legends shows the difference in gameplay. You will experience a faster tempo game, shorter time, fewer participants, on a smaller battle area … but does not diminish the fun of the game. On the contrary, it creates attractive, unique and addictive.

Download Manastorm: Arena of Legends 1.2.3 for iOS
Download Manastorm: Arena of Legends 1.2.3 for iOS

Gamers need to collect magic cards, research the ability of each card to use them most effectively in battle. The battle is fast-paced, requiring gamers to have quick reflexes and sharp strategies to have a chance to win.

Build your own magic deck
Collect magic cards and build a unique deck that can cope with any situation or play style. Gain victory to unlock more spells, unique abilities and powerful combinations.

Download Manastorm: Arena of Legends 1.2.3 for iOS
Download Manastorm: Arena of Legends 1.2.3 for iOS

New feature

Troubleshoot to reconnect Internet game when killed.
Fixed an error where the tutorial component was set.
Troubleshooting The message “Connect to” pop-up in the main menu.
Fix game stuck when loading to 20% level.

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