Apex Legends – Download Now for Windows 2020

Overview about Apex Legends

Apex Legends – Respawn Entertainment reused the Source engine on Titanfall into Apex Legends, so the graphics in the game are very beautiful. Moreover, the manufacturer has optimized the game well, do not need too high configuration (Intel Core i3 6300, 6 GB RAM, VGA GTX 640) gamers can still fight Apex Legends with friends.

Apex Legends
Apex Legends

The gameplay is familiar but strange: Gameplay is a combination of PUBG, Overwatch, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Team Fortress but it is not complicated. The manufacturer has taken care of each element such as shooting, survival, class of characters with their own skills (Legends). For example, Bagalore specializes in using rifles, smoke bombs or the big Gibraltar, steel bodyguard, always protecting his teammates from his shield creation skills.

Apex Legends
Apex Legends

There is no room for soloists: The highlight of the game is a squad of three (squad). In the game, you are very difficult to kill opponents because of high combat speed, character classes (classes) such as tanker, healer, damage … complement each other. Therefore, gamers need to coordinate, devise tactics to win. Apex Legends has a revival mechanism for teammates. So dying does not mean the end of the game, you can continue to play if your allies arrive.

Balance in loot items: Compared to other survival shooting games, Apex Legends has overcome the weakness of the balance in loot items. At the beginning of the game, locations where you can pick up “genuine” items will be clearly marked on the map. Therefore, you will know the areas that are highly contested and risky to devise suitable tactics.

Apex Legends
Apex Legends

The development team has designed the map very well, not easy to “lurk” or camping. In PUBG, you can hide somewhere, wearing the same color as the trees can avoid conflicts. As for Apex Legends, the game emphasizes aiming, moving, proficient use of the skills of the character class and teamwork to win in each small fighting phase.

Apex Legends is a free game. Despite the burden of a large number of players, the game server is still stable, fast match speed, few errors. The game has a deposit mechanism but the manufacturer insists there is no “pay to win”. The success or failure of the battle is determined by the skill of the player.

Not for people who are slow: Like other flying shooting games like Quake Champions or Warframe, Apex Legends has a very fast tempo, not suitable for people who like slowly. If you are new to the game, you may feel dizzy and nauseous.

Download link – Apex Legends


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